3d镜头 适配_您是否应该将镜头适配器与无反光镜相机一起使用?
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3d镜头 适配

3d镜头 适配

Someone holding a Canon camera with a mirrorless adapter.

Mirrorless cameras . If you’re switching from an older DSLR, though, the obvious thing to do is just buy an adapter so you can keep using your old gear.

无反光镜相机。 不过,如果您要从旧的DSLR切换到,则显而易见的事情就是购买适配器,这样您就可以继续使用旧的设备。

镜头转接器的优点 (The Advantages of a Lens Adapter)

The biggest advantage of lens adapters is pretty clear: they enable you to use your existing collection of lenses on your new camera. With many mirrorless cameras , anything that offsets the cost of switching is much appreciated. After all, mirrorless lenses .

镜头适配器的最大优势非常明显:它们使您能够在新相机上使用现有的镜头系列。 由于许多无反光镜相机的,因此能够抵消转换成本的任何事物都倍受赞赏。 毕竟,无反光镜镜头的。

For most photographers, simultaneously switching systems and replacing all their DSLR lenses with their mirrorless equivalents would cost more than they can justify spending.


So, as the upside of a lens adapter is pretty clear, are there any downsides?


为什么需要镜头转接器 (Why Lens Adapters Are Necessary)

Mirrorless cameras aren’t just DSLRs without the mirror—they’re a totally overhauled platform. Both Canon and Nikon took the opportunity to radically redesign their decades-old lens mounts, and with good reason. Canon debuted the EF mount in 1987, while Nikon’s F mount has been around since 1959.

无反光镜相机不只是没有反光镜的数码单反相机-它们是一个全面检修的平台。 佳能和尼康都趁机从根本上重新设计了它们已有数十年历史的镜头卡口。 佳能于1987年推出了EF卡口,而尼康的F卡口自1959年以来就已面世。

Someone holding a Canon EOS camera with a mirrorless adapter mounted on it.

The most noticeable change is that the lens mounts are now bigger, and the rear lens elements sit closer to the image sensor. Of course, the actual mount connection has changed, too.

最明显的变化是镜头座现在更大了,后镜头元件更靠近图像传感器。 当然,实际的安装连接也已更改。

This means lens adapters are necessary because the lens mounts on mirrorless cameras are entirely different from the DSLR mounts they succeed. Canon’s RF mount isn’t just an updated EF—it’s new.

这意味着镜头适配器是必需的,因为无反光镜相机上的镜头座与成功的DSLR座完全不同。 佳能的RF卡口不仅是更新的EF,而且还是新的。

镜头转接器增加了尺寸,重量和麻烦 (Lens Adapters Add Size, Weight, and Hassle)

A Nikon camera, FTZ adapter, and lens.

Lens adapters add physical size and weight to your lenses. It’s not a huge amount, but if you’re buying a mirrorless camera because you want a smaller, lighter setup, this is something to consider. For example, Canon’s adds an extra inch and four ounces to any lens you use. Nikon’s adds a bit more weight and bulk because of its tripod mount.

镜头适配器可增加镜头的实际尺寸和重量。 这不是一个很大的数目,但是如果您要购买无反光镜相机是因为您想要更小,更轻的设置,则需要考虑这一点。 例如,佳能为您使用的任何镜头增加了1英寸和4盎司。 尼康的由于安装在三脚架上而增加了重量和体积。

In addition to the size and weight penalty, a lens adapter is simply one more thing you have to remember to take with you on a shoot. If you forget it, you won’t be able to take any photos.

除了体积和重量上的损失外,镜头转接器还只是拍摄时要记住的另一件事。 如果忘记了,将无法拍照。

相容性问题 (Compatibility Issues)

If you switch from a Canon DSLR to a Canon mirrorless camera, and also use a Canon lens adapter, things are pretty sweet. You should be able to use all your lenses happily. If not, though, things get a bit more complicated.

如果您从佳能数码单反相机切换到佳能无反光镜相机,并且还使用佳能镜头适配器,一切都会非常好。 您应该能够愉快地使用所有镜头。 如果不是这样,事情会变得更加复杂。

Even if you switch from a Nikon DSLR to a Nikon mirrorless camera, and use a Nikon lens adapter, there . Most newer lenses should be fine, as they have built-in autofocus motors. However, because the adapter doesn’t have one, Nikon’s AF and AF-D lenses are manual focus only.

即使从尼康DSLR切换到尼康无反光镜相机并使用尼康镜头转接器,也。 大多数较新的镜头都应该不错,因为它们具有内置的自动对焦马达。 但是,由于该适配器没有一个,因此尼康的AF和AF-D镜头仅是手动对焦。

With some older lenses, there’s also no automatic aperture control, which means no electronic metering, automatic exposure modes, or EXIF data.


And that’s even if you stay with the same brand. If you want to mount a Nikon DSLR lens to a Canon mirrorless camera, you’ll to get even a fully manual experience.

即使您使用同一品牌,也是如此。 如果要将尼康DSLR镜头安装到佳能无反光镜相机上,则才能获得完全手动的体验。

With Canon, though, there are EF-to-other-brand adapters available for pretty much every platform. Photographer  he’s had better results using Canon’s DSLR lenses instead of Nikon’s on his Nikon mirrorless.

但是,有了佳能,几乎每个平台都可以使用EF至其他品牌的适配器。 摄影师使用佳能的DSLR镜头比使用尼康无反光镜的尼康镜头效果更好。

Put simply, though, just because an adapter exists doesn’t mean you’ll have an easy (or pleasant) time switching—especially if you’re . Generally, cheaper adapters will give you only manual control. They can also prevent features like image stabilization from working.

简而言之,仅因为存在适配器并不意味着您将有一个轻松(或愉快的)时间切换-特别是如果您。 通常,便宜的适配器只会给您手动控制。 它们还可以防止图像稳定等功能起作用。

Make sure you research the specific trade-offs you’ll have to accept before committing to a new system.


自动对焦可能会变慢 (Autofocus Might Be Slower)

DSLRs and mirrorless cameras  a bit differently. DSLRs have dedicated focus sensors, while mirrorless cameras generally rely on sensors built into the imaging sensor. Naturally, mirrorless lenses are designed to work with the focus on mirrorless cameras, while DSLR lenses are designed to work with DSLRs.

单反相机和无反光镜相机的有些不同。 DSLR具有专用的聚焦传感器,而无反光镜相机通常依赖于内置在成像传感器中的传感器。 自然地,无反光镜镜头旨在与无反光镜相机对焦,而单反相机镜头则设计用于与单反相机。

This means if you’re using a lens with an adapter, you might notice it autofocuses slower than it did on your DSLR or with an equivalent mirrorless lens. This is especially noticeable when you’re trying to focus on fast-moving subjects or action shots.

这意味着,如果您使用带适配器的镜头,可能会发现它的自动对焦速度比DSLR或等效的无反光镜镜头慢。 当您尝试聚焦于快速移动的主体或动作镜头时,这一点尤其明显。

Of course, it’s always ideal if you can replace your DSLR lenses with the equivalent mirrorless lenses for your new mirrorless camera. Unless you’ve got a lot of cash to burn, though, a lens adapter can definitely be a worthwhile trade-off.

当然,如果可以用与新无反光镜相机相当的无反光镜镜头替换DSLR镜头,那将永远是理想的选择。 但是,除非您有大量现金可以消耗,否则镜头转接器绝对是一个值得权衡的选择。


3d镜头 适配


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